Aerosolics - CANCELLED 2006
Friday 30th June to Sunday 2nd July 2006a secret location in Surrey, UK
£75, caravans, £10 extra - over-18s ONLY
Last updated: Wed 17th May 2006
For ticket refunds, contact your point of purchase.
Aerosolics is a new music and aerosol art festival for over-18s that will be taking place on Friday 30th June to Sunday 2nd July 2006 at a secret location in Surrey.
The Main Aerosolics Stage will feature indie/rock on the Friday, dance acts (programmed by The Bays) on the Saturday, and alternative on the Sunday. There's also a Hip Hop and Reggae Stage, and the Drifts Stage. A number of acts are already confirmed including Gogol Bordello, The Departure, The Young Knives, The Feeling, Rumble Strips, Winterville, Spunge and more - click here for the full details.
The Aerosolics festival site will be an evolving, interactive work of art. Hear about the origins of aerosol art from graffiti guru Blade, and witness him paint live in his special old school style. Special guests 54Crew, TMP, AAGH, Sickboy and other respected Writers from all across the globe will also be doing their thing with artwork across the site, spraying up not only boards but also classic cars, tanks, trains and planes. All empty cans are to be tagged and recycled as massive field sculptures. These unique creations will then be preserved at Aerospace, Aerosolics very own exhibition space.
On Saturday Aerosolics will host the first ever UK round of Write4Gold, a worldwide Writing contest where 8 selected crews will be judged by respected Writers like Bates for their style, conception, sketching, throw-ups and tagging. The winning crew will receive spray paint and a free trip to the final in Germany, where they will battle in the international final.
There's also an art wall, where you can let rip with paint bombs, brushes, cans and rollers, and the Aerosolics cinema featuring underground films, graffiti documentaries and the latest releases from Manga Entertainment and Tartan Extreme. VJs will flex their skills to show the first ever 3D technology to be used at a UK festival, while the Community Debating Area will invite MPs to discuss graffiti as an art form and other related issues.
Tickets are priced at £75 for the weekend - click here to buy.
There'll be more information here when available.
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last updated: Wed 17th May 2006