Raging Speedhorn talk about their recent festival appearances, and more

HRH Doom n Stoner 2016 interview

By Luke Seagrave | Published: Tue 2nd Aug 2016

HRH Doom n Stoner 2016 - Raging Speedhorn
Photo credit: Will Tudor

HRH Doom n Stoner 2016

Saturday 1st to Sunday 2nd October 2016
O2 Academy, 37-43 Arundel Gate, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2PN, England MAP
£70 for both days
Daily capacity: 6,000

eFestivals caught up with Raging Speedhorn during their UK tour to talk about their recent festival appearances and their recent album 'Lost Ritual.'

1. How did it feel playing at this year’s Download Festival?

Jay Thompson (Guitars) - Awesome thanks! We had an absolute banger, the actual gig was awesome. Having to sleep in my car because the whole site was a mud bath not so much.

2. How does playing at a festival differ from playing your own gig?

JT - I've never done a gig on our own tour in my wellies before for starters! It's good fun actually, the crowd are always rowdy at a festival and it's normally a good vibe. Plus, we always bump into lots of old friends.

3. Is there anywhere that you would still like to perform that you haven’t already performed?

JT - We always talk about getting over to Australia at some point, and it would be cool to get over to South America as well. Basically anywhere sunny with plenty of refreshments and we'll be happy.

4. You have played many festivals, however, can you remember the bearded bloke in a horned hat at Sonisphere that started a giant mosh pit, and went mental throughout your fantastic set - and had whiplash for about a month afterwards? Does your music have the same effect on anything with horns? Hence your name?

JT - Ha that guy, he's as good as the guy in the gimp mask at Bloodstock festival! Our music may have that power, perhaps we should put it to the test? We'll arrange for a few mountain goats to go roaming around the crowd next time and see if it kicks off. We won't chop their heads off don't worry, we're nowhere near black metal enough for that.

5. Your latest album 'Lost Ritual' seems to sit comfortably alongside your earlier material, so considering all of the line-up changes you have had over the years, was it difficult to recapture that early sound when recording 'Lost Ritual?'

JT - To be honest we just sort of wrote what came naturally, there was no big plan to recapture anything. I like to think it captures maybe the vibe of the earlier records but with a bit more of a modern twist, mainly owing to the fact we can all play our instruments properly now.

6. Did you find there was less pressure on the writing and recording process because you funded this album through crowdfunding rather than relying on a major record company?

JT - Maybe more pressure in a way, we're certainly far more interested in creating something great for our fans rather than some dick at a record label.

7. Are Raging Speedhorn back for good? What are Raging Speedhorns plans for the future?

JT - For the foreseeable future is as far as I'll commit to! We should be doing a lot more shows over this year and next year, after that who knows. As long as we don't hate each other we'll keep going!

8. As a band you appeared to have quite a few issues with some of the contracts you signed when you were younger, do you have any advice for people who are just starting out and trying to get record deals?

JT - Yeah, read your contract before you sign it, or even consider if it's actually worth signing or not! It might seem cool that Mr Fancy pants wants to sign you and make you into big rock stars, but when you end up paying it all back over the next twenty years of your "career" (if you're lucky enough to get that far) and don't have a pot to piss in, it doesn't seem like such a great idea.

9. Would you ever consider doing a cover version of a pop song? If so, which one would it be?

JT - Does Thin Lizzy count as pop? If not no.

10. Since you formed in 1998, what has been the most memorable highlight in your musical career?

JT - Personally for me it was touring in Japan. It's crazy out there, in a good way. That was one of the highlights of my life, let alone my career.

11. For a band that has pretty much seen it all and done everything, what motivates you to keep on going?

JT - We're just a bunch of idiots that are still good friends and still enjoy making music and playing gigs together. That should be the only motivation for any band really.

12. You are lucky enough to have started your recording career back in the days when record companies had a lot of control, you have had to work through the introduction of things like YouTube, social media, iTunes, Napster etc. Do you find the internet a useful tool for musicians or a curse?

JT - It's awesome, we're so lucky to be able to carry on with the direct support of our fans via our pledge campaign. Anything that allows you to connect with people like that has to be a good thing.

For a bit of fun, we also asked some music fans if they could interview you what would they ask (please note that these people aren’t necessarily people who have heard of Raging Speedhorn). Here are some of the more amusing questions…

1. Would Raging Speedhorn mind if I use their name for my next child?

JT - Try running that one past your other half! I'd imagine the poor kid would be taken in by social services if you were stupid enough to call them Raging Speedhorn.

2. Which is the best band… Metallica or Guns N Roses?

JT - Early Guns N Roses.

3. Would you rather be a lobster or a toothbrush?

JT - Definitely a toothbrush. Lobsters only last a few years but I've been using the same toothbrush for ages.

4. What is your usual routine before going on stage?

JT - We like to meditate, warm up, hug each other, get the vibe, you know? Only joking, I'm normally urinating into a plastic cup or something.

5. When you are playing guitar on stage, are you able to see what the audience is doing? Or are you busy thinking about which notes to play?

JT - I think anybody that's seen us will know that we're definitely not busy thinking about which notes to play.

6. Do you ever get nervous before walking out on stage?

JT - Never. I only really get nervous when I start to sober up.

7. Who do you view as the best guitarist ever? (dead or alive)

JT - Slash for me, as that's why I learnt guitar. So you can blame him.

eFestivals would like to thank the band for taking time out of their hectic schedule to talk to us. Raging Speedhorn appear at HRH Doom n Stoner in October.

interview by: Luke Seagrave

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