
T in the Park 2005 reviews

By eFestivals Newsroom | Published: Mon 18th Jul 2005

Saturday 9th to Sunday 10th July 2005
Balado, nr Kinross. Scotland, KY13 0NJ, Scotland MAP
£82 for w/e: £97 w/e with camping: £46.50 for day tickets - SOLD OUT
Daily capacity: 52,500
Last updated: Fri 8th Jul 2005

(R1/NME Stage, Sunday)

When Kasabian last played T in the Park, they opened the NME stage on the Saturday. They're now back, playing second only to dance legends the Prodigy.

"I.D.", "Reason is Treason" and "Cutt Off" are dispatched early on in the set, and the crowd treats every word slurred out of Tom Meighans mouth as gospel. Kasabian really have become something rare - unlike Oasis, they're all-embracing, without ever being cheesy or losing their image as not caring for the latest trend.

"Processed Beats" and "Butcher Blues" sound absolutely beautiful and given the weather, they give over a vibe that few bands manage to get accross.

New song "The Stuntman" is aired like at Glastonbury and shows promise for the new album, but the standout track for me is B-Side "55". Why this never made the album or as a single is beyond me, the insanely catchy keyboard, the snarling vocals and a guitar so aggressive it's ready to jump you outside a kebab shop whilst wearing a hoodie.

The band dedicate "L.S.F." to anyone who had been affected in the London bombings, and the song is probably the song of the festival.

Closing with "Club Foot" may be predictable, but gets the entire crowd jumping and lapping up every word. Kasabian aren't here to waste time, or to create sets that are filled with fake beauty and emotion - they do what they do best - and that is to be as aggressive and snarling as possible. We love them for it.

review by: Matthew Shaw

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