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Can you help my Niece with a quick vote plz ?.


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Hi all, don't normally like doing stuff like this but as it's for my Niece thought I'd give it a go to help her out. Basically my niece is autistic and has other issues like been non verbal and is slow to hit age related landmarks. But she's a star, absolutely loves been thrown about or hanging upside down (believe its to do with the sensory input) She tires you out before she is.

We've recently got her an spinning egg chair from IKEA that she loves and my sister has just turned her under stairs cupboard into a sensory safe haven for Pria.

Anyway, the reason for the post.

This is the post that she has put out on Facebook and asked me to share.

Would anyone please take a minute and click the link and heart my daughters photo ❤️
This is my daughter Pria, she is autistic,  non verbal and has global delays.  Pria is quickly out growing her pram and is in need of a specialist one due to normal ones not big enough for her. Pria is entered into a SEN competition and if she was to win we can then get her the buggy that she needs for her safety .. it just takes 1 minute to click the link and heart her photo 🙏 it really would be greatly appreciated


If anyone has the time to like the photo that'll be great.

Thank you all.

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UPDATE TIME - Pria only went and won the competition 😄

She was given £1000 first prize, so today my sister went and got her a buggy that is more suitable for her and one she will be able to use certainly for the years to come. She's also started to look at getting her some more sensory toys/equipment for Pria.

You guys were great, myself and sister can't thank each and everyone of you that voted enough. Been able to go and get Pria the buggy to help keep her safe on trips etc is great, but also been in a position to provide a few more items for Pria is simply awesome. 

I do know the competition also went out and provided 5 x £100 spot prizes for the kids that wasn't able to muster many votes but had entered, so that was really good of them as every kid had a different story and they all was deserving. 

Again, a massive thank you to all.


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