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Shangri-la changes for 2025?


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1 hour ago, tomf3 said:

That's cool! They should bring back the Gas Tower. Due to the awkward shape of the field I guess the only way they can really revamp is by the stage/set design.


Yeah the gas tower was gone to soon - saw the sunrise there on the Sunday in 2017 on the SUnday epic night 

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I’d be a bit hesitant on this personally not saying it’s not true but I’ve heard about changes before and it’s usually relates to theming of the area rather than massive structural changes … hope it’s true though but also think post fallow is more likely 

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Yeah I assumed their usual rebrand away from the "shangri mart" thing they've had the last couple years.


But maybe it'll actually be completely different, block 9 isn't changing apparently so changes would need to involve Unfair ground and the common if the footprint is shifting. 

They can't do much rejigging into staff camping unless they also reduce it's opening times to shut at 3am as it's only the current footprint south of the railway that can go to 6am.


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Can't see any major changes happening before the fallow year, especially footprint changes.  Finding a way of keeping a clear walkway through the back of the stages would be welcomed! It's been a pretty tight squeeze through there the last couple of years! 

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41 minutes ago, shuttlep said:

when you see what Boom Town does with it's areas, Glastonbury is lacking in creativity 

apples and oranges... 


I don't think they are comparable festivals these days, Boomtown's whole thing is the immersive sets and storytelling, so it should be the leader in creativity.  Glastonbury is many more things and vastly more diverse.  

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38 minutes ago, Euphoricape said:

Unfairground should probably go to make more room for an expanded shangri-la. Would it be missed? 

Id miss it, its my fave area, i go to many more sets in there than shangri la, mainly because its less busy so can actually get to them, with the history of the festival and the people behind the unfairground i cannot see them kicking them out 

Edited by Claire0406
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47 minutes ago, Claire0406 said:

Id miss it, its my fave area, i go to many more sets in there than shangri la, mainly because its less busy so can actually get to them, with the history of the festival and the people behind the unfairground i cannot see them kicking them out 

As a first-timer in 2024, I was a little bit underwhelmed by Unfairground as an area -- not sure exactly why, but I think in my head I expected the vibe to be a bit more, I guess, impactful than it was?


Having said that I did randomly wander into Salon Carousel on Monday morning and spent a totally unexpected and extremely enjoyable 45 minutes there, and I'm looking forward to heading there earlier this year so, yeah, mine's a vote for keeping Unfairground!

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2 hours ago, Monty Pythagoras said:

Bring back the alleyways and doors

this!  it was mindblowing when I saw it for the first time.  

Remember the pillow fight room with the beds? (slumberrave?) the snake pit bar? that one year where there were all those spaces made to look like corporate offices?  there must be a way to incorporate things like this whilst still allowing for free flow of traffic.  


I love the unfair ground but a lot of me feels like the two spaces are similar enough that they could be combined and utilized better.  Or - maybe (spitballing here) Shangri-la needs to back up a bit, concentrate on what they do well and ease up a bit in other areas.  One larger stage instead of two.  more micro spaces.  It would ease the traffic (maybe) and then maybe unfair ground and could step it up a bit in terms of what they have on offer.  

Edited by Olshansky
expanded thought rather than two replies
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Shangri La tries to fit too much into a relatively small space and suffers from a reputation rooted in the past. The so called “naughty corner” may have deserved that name back in the Lost Vagueness days, and maybe NYC Downlow still warrants being so named. 

I’ve said it before but it needs opening up, the easiest way being to get rid of the food stalls and bars at the back of the arenas. 

Oh and where has the myth of “too many Drum and Bass venues come from? I can only imagine it’s hearsay from people who either don’t go or just wonder through for a look before bed. There’s more non DnB dance music than there is DnB

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2 hours ago, Skip997 said:

Shangri La tries to fit too much into a relatively small space and suffers from a reputation rooted in the past. The so called “naughty corner” may have deserved that name back in the Lost Vagueness days, and maybe NYC Downlow still warrants being so named. 

I’ve said it before but it needs opening up, the easiest way being to get rid of the food stalls and bars at the back of the arenas. 

Oh and where has the myth of “too many Drum and Bass venues come from? I can only imagine it’s hearsay from people who either don’t go or just wonder through for a look before bed. There’s more non DnB dance music than there is DnB

Would you hear first if stuff was majorly shifting? Feel like people keep suggesting dragon field for expansion but that's your home!

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Just now, Leyrulion said:

Would you hear first if stuff was majorly shifting? Feel like people keep suggesting dragon field for expansion but that's your home!

Would be unlikely to hear first, but if Dragon Field was to be used I’d hear fairly early, before it became general knowledge.


Dragon Field is ultimately under the control of some fairly important and influential people in the festival hierarchy, a family with a long history at the event (don’t feel comfortable giving out names), so is probably safe.


There was also a suggestion that Shangri La and Unfairground crew camping could be reduced. Again IMO unlikely as it’s already crammed beyond capacity 

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7 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

important and influential people in the festival hierarchy, a family with a long history at the event (don’t feel comfortable giving out names), so is probably safe.

Ohh interesting. I'd camped there between 2007 and 2011 and sooo loved it. Didn't realise it had a kind of intrinsic relationship with some creative family or other.

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I’d be gutted if the Unfairground went. I’ve had some great times tripping around there. 

the Gas Tower was always too rammed. Didn’t make it the Nowhere in ‘23 though

Edited by rwoo
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7 minutes ago, Pinhead said:

Ohh interesting. I'd camped there between 2007 and 2011 and sooo loved it. Didn't realise it had a kind of intrinsic relationship with some creative family or other.

Not really any intrinsic relationship AFAIK, it was incorporated into the Green Fields after having been punters camping in order to accommodate Green Fields crew who for whatever reason couldn’t be accommodated elsewhere. Having now done some Googling it’s fairly easy to find out who coordinates the Green Fields. She has some clout and much respect at Glastonbury 

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