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Everything posted by Preensie

  1. Silent disco is starting at 3am. According to them it’s following the finishing of all the acts. from what I remember last main stage act finishes at about 12, you had enough time to walk back to your tent grab a beer then go to silent disco which meant it started at about 1. why so late this time?
  2. This would actually make it worth it for me
  3. Not that I have much hope but weren’t we promised another lineup release. any idea of when it might be. Getting closer and surely with everything thinking this year is trash they’d want to release sooner
  4. The Amazons commented on the post saying “Finally” maybe means they’re going? more rock and less bang bang ima stab your mum music please
  5. When are we expecting the next line up release. We usually have it by now don’t we?
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