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Everything posted by squirrelarmy

  1. Literally billions in wealth between them and I can guarantee neither of them picked up the bill for the event.
  2. High street doesn’t really exist anymore. Although the partnership with Oxfam would help there.
  3. I thought you had infiltrated the internet with your dodgy photoshopped articles again.
  4. Those people complaining about Starmers views are the same people who haven’t stopped complaining since Corbyn got the boot. They don’t like Starmer no matter what he does or doesn’t do. They’re a very vocal minority who will complain no matter who is in charge.
  5. They could nuke that area and the religious nutters on all sides would still fight over the radioactive remains. As long as people devote their way of life to religion there will never be peace in that region.
  6. If it is due to poor health because of a lifetime of substance abuse there a lot worse ways to go than relaxing in a hot tub. I was actually surprised by how young he was. Friends seemed to be first shown a lifetime ago.
  7. Religion seems to be the driving factor behind Israel’s wealth. There was a “eyewitness” for the hospital incident who had a fantastic story saying the bomb was dropped by a F35 which got me wondering how is a country with a population of only 10 million funding a top of the line airforce with equal equipment to USA/UK. Had a look to see what their exports are and they’re not a producer of oil like many other Arabian states. They don’t have a natural resource to exploit. They seem to be very technological based and to base your economy around high technologies means a lot of investment which does make you wonder how the country initially got their financial boost. Obviously must be people donating for the religious cause.
  8. People have been fighting over that same patch of land for thousands of years. If Israel or Palestine didn’t exist there would still be some form of conflict there. I repeat myself a lot but as long as there is religious fanaticism there will never truly be peace.
  9. There’s a recent article here which explains why Egypt don’t want to take on Palestinian refugees. I assumed you would have known the history of the region due to your expertise on the subject https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d
  10. There won’t be any apologies from the left admitting that they were wrong.
  11. No one takes what he says seriously. Anyone still supporting Corbyn is either an idiot or a troll. As for the racism part I made it clear my opinions were about religion not race. The left loonies are just looking for any reason to justify their support for terrorists.
  12. The terrorists cause becomes more high profile in the media. More aid and donations are sent to help the cause. Terrorist leaders profit while not caring for the sheep who follow them. You can also substitute ‘terrorist’ for ‘religious group’ and it has the same meaning.
  13. He said he was mid quoted as him saying he was friends with Hamas. It was never disproven though.
  14. So you’d prefer a PM whose “friends” with a terrorist organisation?
  15. Following up my post about where we would be under if the previous Labour leader was in charge. Someone has run the numbers. 😂 https://x.com/leftiestats/status/1692582192646434953?s=46&t=tuJh0NkhjG6xvto_0ZY7qw
  16. Sales in furniture are definitely down compared to this time last year.
  17. It’s simply because Labour had a change of leadership and are now electable again. I doubt the Tories lose the seats if Jihadi Jez was still running the show.
  18. Who were the Conservatives? A question the next generation of voters will be asking.
  19. That means him admitting that he was wrong and we know he won’t do that.
  20. Is it that same tweet that has all the misinformation warnings all over it?
  21. The two state solution is the better solution. Problem there though is the Palestinian charter where they want the total destruction of the state of Israel. How can peace be negotiated when one side will not compromise at all? Asking Palestine to broker peace with Israel is like asking Americans to give up their guns.
  22. You need to educate yourself on the difference between race and religion. Just look at the historical facts. Black September triggered by Palestinians against Jordan. Ethnically the same race but the war was fundamentally about which branch of the Muslim religion was the right one. Lebanese civil war was again not between two races but a religious war between Christian’s and Muslims. You know who was the aggressor again in that case. I have no issue with people’s race. I’m not a fan of religious extremism though and that applies to all religions
  23. Egypt don’t want the Palestinians though because of what they did when they arrived in Jordan and Lebanon. They’ve got a habit of starting civil wars wherever they are due to their extremist religious beliefs.
  24. The story keeps changing as more evidence is uncovered. What is definitely false is 500 people being killed by an Israeli airstrike on a hospital. Didn’t stop the usual subjects using that false propaganda to spread their own agenda.
  25. So it’s looking like it was a rocket site based in a hospital that misfired killing the operators on the ground. Lots of great propaganda material from the aftermath. Both sides are as bad as each other. There will be no winners in this conflict due to the participants strong beliefs in their own causes. Neither side will stop until the other side ceases to exist.
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