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fred quimby

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Everything posted by fred quimby

  1. True, but isn't that the point that she was there and Sunak should have tempered his language. Starmer pointed that out.
  2. It is early but I read that as threesome
  3. I'll read some more, still wonder where the investment will come from.
  4. They mention fossil fuels will be decades in use. Now whether they are talking carbon capture doesn't really say and that is very ambitious in 5 years
  5. Will have to see what they say about reducing/cutting out the £28bn and how that affects the plans. Not that they will be honest and things will move to the right no doubt as these things always do
  6. Well they want clean energy as part of the mix as fossil fuels are still in there. Need to see the detail on how they would do the partnership with private sector as they can end up costing alot over years as we pay them back. But the investment is needed.
  7. Had a read through. Remembered more than I thought. Obviously would like more ambition but understand that is just me. Alot does depend on investment and hope they don't allow it to all go private. Will have to see what they say over the next few months
  8. Found the plan doc so will have a read see what I have forgotten
  9. I am being lazy sorry and know you may have to hand. Do you have the policies, have heard about some of what they talked about but do you have the detail. Ta
  10. Keep going, it is those association to break. You'll get there
  11. Wonder if the horrible weather in California had an impact on that. No idea. Admit I have not looked at any reports just that he flew over
  12. First he is doing it to get in the papers and now he is not getting here fast enough. 😆
  13. Blimey I know he is playing to the audience but wow
  14. If that's what you want to believe about a kid coming to see his Dad after a cancer diagnosis, then well that's up to you. I don't look at the papers so miss all that
  15. Were many in the old Shangri-la . Went in many, remember one which was great and then noticed some people crawling through a small space which we did and there in another room was a cocktail bar playing funk
  16. Aye, certainly would know he wouldn't have been banned on that.
  17. I for one will miss Barry the fish. I know he wound some up but enjoyed his position and content.
  18. fred quimby

    2024 New Music

    Enjoying the new Jade Bird tune
  19. You do, just that you do not realise 😉
  20. A little bit pot kettle there Ozanne.
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