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Everything posted by tarw

  1. tarw


    Not sure about that. For music in the background I’ll stream and it’s usually a ready done playlist. I’ll also use it to check out an album before I buy it. If I want to actually listen to music it’s a physical copy. For me streaming is like I used to use the radio for. Probably similar as the big players are able to manipulate Spotify algorithms in the same way that they used to radio playlists
  2. tarw

    2024 Headliners

    Yes massively over simplified on both sides there by incident. She covered all of your points with Neil went OTT getting rid of them Just as she simplified what the others did by f**king up the forums. The whole thing is better not dissected again- let’s move on FFS
  3. tarw

    Spare Gig Tickets

    The way I manage to get them is to have the app permanently open on the artists page. As soon as you get a notification click on the venue (even if it says none available). Then as quick as you can go to Buy at the bottom. I think emails take too long and they’re gone before you get to the page. If you click on the notification it can take a fair while to get to the page- having the page already opened gives you a fighting chance
  4. As Stormzy was announced in Streatham Oxfam. Anyone know if they’ve got an Oxfam in Nashville?
  5. tarw

    2024 Stage Predictions

    Patti Smith against Stevie can get right in the bin
  6. But sometimes crusty jugglers are just the right thing
  7. tarw

    Stadium Ticket Pricing

    Just spent £19.50 ( inc. fees) to watch Dead Poet Society in Barcelona. Had a fantastic time. The band and audience fed off each other. If I pay £160 for an AC/DC ticket I will be guaranteed a good performance but I doubt amazing- if you’re charging that much for a ticket you are usually “professional” about it. I know paying £30 a ticket you will see some poor bands, but you can uncover some gems and have fantastic memories. I find the stadium acts will deliver you good entertainment but never an OMG experience
  8. I don’t remember them from the 2000s. Was it when the park was added 2010?
  9. I’m no expert! I just Googled environmental impact of fireworks out of interest 😁
  10. I think that last year’s display with the weather conditions meaning most of the display was obscured by the “smoke “ from the previous volleys shows that the amount of particulate pollution was significant and although Mg,Ca & Na are less damaging they’re still not good at those levels Although the calcium might help with Milk Fever rates on the farm
  11. tarw

    Dua Lipa

    I think that what’s thought of as a scouse accent covers quite a range of accents. From Warrington to North East Wales taking in Chester and the Wirral. What is thought of as a Brummy accent is often more of a Black Country accent and in a smaller area. Coventry and Derby have very different accents to Brum
  12. I think that it is the heavy metals and the oxidising agents that are more of a problem to the environment. They will settle on the grass to be ingested by animals and get into water courses
  13. tarw

    Stadium Ticket Pricing

    What about the poor Italian fans? It was €90 for a Bruce t-shirt in Rome on the last tour! I dread to think how much this time round
  14. tarw

    Upcoming Gigs.

    Sunday- Dead Poet Society Barcelona 21st Feb - Australian Pink Floyd Barcelona June Glastonbury August - Wilderness and Shambala Will be others I don’t like planning too far in advance
  15. “Lorks” guvnor that’s a load of Tommy tank.
  16. A general exclamation of surprise used by southern softies
  17. Why not go the whole hog and book Sunday lunch at the Deluxe Diner? http://www.deluxediner.co.uk/restaurant.html
  18. James Arthur - Impossible. I work with adults with learning disabilities and one of the guys I work with used to play the first three lines of the song, stop the track and play them again. A ten hour shift hearing the same three lines of that song continuously is torture!
  19. tarw

    Stadium Ticket Pricing

    I paid £4.50 to see Bob Marley and that was pushing the boat out for a gig then. I think that you can’t compare prices from the past because of how artists now get paid. Artists always made their money through selling physical copies of their music and the tour was to promote the album. They only looked to cover the cost of the tour knowing they would make the bucks from increased album sales. That is now stood on its head with streaming with most musicians now make their living through touring and very little through streaming/airplay.
  20. That’s just Emily at the kitchen table adding and taking away spaces to the pages just to f**k with you
  21. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I think that you could possibly pull off being menacing in a gimp suit!
  22. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I think you should wear a neon pink gimp suit instead 😉
  23. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I think it’s above the farmhouse by where VG1 is on the map. @Jay Pee can probably give you a definitive answer
  24. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    Done at 19:01. Not that I’m keen
  25. tarw

    2024 Headliners

    Very bizarre almost as bizarre as someone who only visits to point out how bizarre it is
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