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Everything posted by steviewevie

  1. but we're not the only country to have instagram...
  2. not sure it doesn't exist...the number off people of work due to illness has gone up more here since the pandemic than others in G7...and that is a problem for those people, and for the economy. Not sure there is an easy answer too, all individual cases, all complicated. We are a sick nation at the moment.
  3. this maybe? Unemployment: Who are the millions of Britons not working? (bbc.com)
  4. Maybe sorting out NHS so people didn't have to wait months/years would help.
  5. They do need to get people back to work, it's how it is done is the question. Carrot, stick, kick up the arse?
  6. Bypass GPs..get someone else to determine whether someone is actually sick or just needs to pull themselves together.
  7. Looks like this will be part of Tory manifesto and election campaign, get back to work you bloody skivers.
  8. Israel striking Iran now...ffs.
  9. Now charged with embezzling SNP funds. RIP
  10. Yeah well Leavers are stupid, thick racists etc. But, over time we will get closer...geography, economics and security will make it inevitable. Trump and Putin will help too.
  11. A friend saw this in Waterstones...
  12. thanks, that answered my question.
  13. test...am I one of them?
  14. wow, what a choice. Or Cameron?!
  15. yeah, you might be right. Who do they replace him with?
  16. That whole Tory MP bloke Menzies story is amazing.
  17. In that chart yesterday farage was at no.1 but his popularity was at 38%, so net negative?
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