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A day in the life of rachie

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I gave birth

to a beautiful baby girl yesterday. She was a month prem. But shes doing fine. 6lbs4oz. We havent chose a name yet - tho hopefully this will be done tonight. just thought id let you know lol.



you know when you get an idea in ya head..

and you cant get it out no matter what.? Well i want an Overhead projector. The old style ones, nothing special. Ive got some 'arty' ideas right now and need one. lol. Cant afford it right now tho. (typical January) so ive just got to wait. Christmas was nice. Got lots of lovely things. Hannah got totally spoiled. Blue_mondays got very drunk. New year for me was crap. Everyone got really REALLY REALLLLLLLY drunk, kept trying to pick up hannah, kept waking her. Ended up altho i was tired




Baby hannah has been a nightmare recently. The poor thing. She's been teething sinse birth and already has 9 teeth (she's just 7 months) but her sleeping through came to a complete stop about 2 months ago. Now sh's up between 5-10 times a night. Mainly just to be held it would seem. We tried Controled crying but im a complete failiure at that, and after 2 hours of non stop screaming i went up watched her and then she vomited all over her self, so we had to get her up and change her. - ive not



RIP, cuz John xx

On Tuesday morning my cousin died. For the past 18 months hes been batteling leukemia , he went through all treatments till there was nothing they could do. Last week they told us we should just now try and make his life as comfortable as possible. Altho i supose it was in the pipe line, i think everyone still kept hope a mirricle would happen. He wa the most talented, intelegent and loving in our whole family.And he was the bravest person right through. Known as the 'quiet-arty-student' o



back from glasgow

went to glasgow for a week or so, to see the other half of the family more then anything. Had a great time. Lots of music and alchol, Accept i/we got arrested. Hand cuffed and put in a cell for 6 hours. Indecent exposure. ffs. worst thing.... they cut of ALLLL my festival wrist bands!!!!!!!!!!! like i was gunna hang myself with them or somthing ffs!!! i had four. on for the last two years.. includin glasto. bloody shocking. scum.




I had a really good leeds fest. Wasnt expecting it - think the weather helped alot. - had a good atmosphear round me too. Cant be arsed doing a big review or anything - i saw a few bands, the ones i saw were great. Espesially NIN and gogol bordello. Heres a few pics: me me and blue_mondays gogol bordello ohhh and a few of my Hannah:



life and that

Really REALLY trying to get myself into the mood for leeds fest this weekend, its not happening at all. First year ive ever felt like this to be honest. I think its because of a numberous of reasons. The ticket mess up ive had really pissed me off. The whole confusion on tickets this year has been a complete shambles. Also there really isnt many bands i can get excited about. Of course TSP (why when i write that do think of 'tablespoon' lmaooo) and NIN, also gogol bordello (who i saw at glasto a




last night i spent 2 hours writting a blog that covered the last 4 months. A very busy four months. I 'previewed post' and read it through..... then the bloody 'lecky went. pissed off dosnt come close. when i have a spare 2 hours i will write it again. one day. ack!



Marlyn Manson for the deaf.

I didnt sleep at all last night, i have been diagnosed with SPD (basically my hips/pelvis are struggling/crumbeling! under the presuse of the baby) so night time is especially painful went downstaires to watch telly for abit. Reading festival 2005 was on (this was at about 4am) Marlyn Manson wsas on singing a few tracks, but what was so funny was the sign language 'well presented blonde' woman was signing all the lyrics....and doing the same facial expressions as Manson.... was so funny durring



All sorted for the summer :)

Right now everything in life is going perfect. Too perfect. Making me very parranoid that it can only go on like this so much before it all goes tits up again. lol. Forever the optimist me. Nah, im really enjoying it. Im in the proseses of moving house me and blue_mondays renting a little 2-up-2down place not far from here. (Not far from my mum!) Just a little cute red house. Saying that, the living room is massive, with dark wood flooring and a brand new modern fire and fire place. Both bed



Went to see JARVIS!

AND WHAT A BRILLIANT NIGHT IT WAS! I spent the whole of my teen years following Pulp up and down the country, getting to see them live 10 times and meeting the band lots of times (meeting Jarvis 3 times) While at these gigs jarvis on stage has grabbed my hand, gave me a cigerate, a beer, ive poured water over his head etc - very up close personal stuff over the years. I last saw Pulp live in 2002 when i was 18. They split up shortly after and i thought that'd be it now. My years of waiting 7



its nearly been 2 months!

sinse i wrote anything! well christmas happened, then new year. Both of which was really quiet really. Christmas was abit crap as me mum n dad decided to have a major fight 3 days before and didnt buy eachother anything or even spoke to eachother till about 5pm xmas day. lots of fun. Cant wait to have my own place again i tell ya. For New Year me and darren went up to Glasgow, stayed up there for about 10 days. Had a good time Darrens 21st was celebrated up there too.But i hate this whole '



bargins and work

my last post was well depressing, im much better now. I got a propper job! yay! lol this week im working 45hrs. Its shattering getting up at 6am - but the money will be great, ive been living on £20 a week for a long time so getting well over 10 times that is gonna make it all worth while. im gonna keep the job on as long as i possibley can - i need this money for xmas, the baby, and a home! - its ok the job, i work on a buliding site (in the city centre - all this 'capital of culture buildin'




Been really low th last few days. And i cant really put my finger on why exactly. The pregnancy last 2 weeks has been harder than ever before. Even tho im well into the second trimester it should be where i 'bloom' and have energy and all that jazz. Well it aint happening as of yet I just feel like crying, i feel huge and ugly and i keep getting bladder infections one after the other.. And its only gonna get worse. I feel sceard too. My mum scares me alot, altho i know she dosnt mean to at all



My scan

went really really REALLY well. Baby was moving around lots and i could see his heart beating. My bladder was really full (thats what the baby is leaning against) - seemed to piss him off! lmao. He tarted rubbing his face too (or picking his nose - who can say? lol) was absolutly amazing seeing him, and blue_mondays face was a picture!!! hahaha. We went to mothercare after wards looking at cute things... only bought a baby diary thing tho for now. (for first sacn pic, first photo, first hand p



help . . .

help.... I just purchased The Sims 2 + Pets expantion pack. I already own sims 2 but its in the attic somwhere i think and ive gave up looking for it. Years ago i was REALLY addicted to the sims. I had all 7 expantion packs and could easily spend 24 hrs on it at one time and not even notice the time pass. - In alot of ways it took over my life. When it comes in the post, itll probably ruin my life, relationships, career etc etc.... Its so addictive.... im actually having second though



Last wekend

I just absolutly love this photo. Me and Blue_mondays near Runcorn looking like a scene from 2pints of lager! taken at the weekend. Taken from my Myspace blog last week: """Last Friday was pay day Me and Darren went into town, first off to the Pilgrim for a nice lunch but now all the students are back there was no space, so then it was off to subway instead After a huge footlong buttie we went shopping, mainly just mooching at stuff but eventually i bought the new HisnHers and Differe



9 weeks

my minds gone completly blank right now.... i did come here to write somthing... I havent wrote a detailed blog on my myspace for ages, as i have to keep it basic as theres still people on me and darrens friends/family list that actually dont know about the pregnancy yet. So sopose here i can let rip! lol. I still havent had any morning sickness yet!!! yay. And theres only 4 weeks of this termester left. (where your most likley to suffer from it) i also got my oppointment for my first scan in



Leeds festival (bout time)

Its taken me ages to upload the photos of leeds festival, only got round to it today. Id write a whole review but to be honest i dont remember enough!! WEDNESDAY @ LEEDS (bout 5pm???) arrived and it was thundering and pissing down had to go to the box office pick up 'early arriving' tixs and ran back to the car to dry off for a few minutes (hoping the rain would ease..... it didnt) before having to put our tent up. me wet and little sis in background blue_mondays in his wet-suit w



being 'up the duff'

well, i think most of you have heard my news that last week i found out i was pregnant. Me and blue_mondays are really happy about it, altho a complete shock. I think im now as 'used' to the idea as i can be. lol. Blue_mondays has ben brilliant ive been up and down like a rollercoaster this week. From complete excitment and loved-upness to tearfull-panic-ridden-mess. Went to the docs this week too, im 7 weeks pregnant. I havent had any morning sickness yet - but im overly tired ALL THE BLO



my dog had a heart attack :(

My dog charlie last night seemed over excited, not in a waggy tail way but in an unsettled, breathing way. Cos she was making so much noise i decided to take her for a walk round trhe block to make her tired to settle down. (this is at about 11:30pm) She didnt even make it, after a few yards her breathing and coughing was so loud and scarey people were opening thier curtins in the street to see what it was. I knew somthing was wrong, but shes been abit off this week (peeing in the house, her e



yay an interview!

finally have an interview tomorrow for a job in a college!!! as ive said loads in my blogs, been trying so hard for a job this summer (esp. a graphic design one) and this morning at about 10am (id been ringing jobs sinse 8am) i was close to tears - as ive done this every single day for weeks and weeks and never even got an interview, then the phone rang and it was a job call back that i applied for a while ago!!! yayayay. Darrens starts his job tomorrow. on really good pay and it seems every



i just bought 48 cans of tesco lager

omg.... they better bloody swap it!!! only cost about a tenner tho LMAO. *this is for leeds festival and the carling can for cold can beer thing* also bought a massive bottle of vodka box of red wine. (=4 bottles) 26 packets of crisps 26 breackfast bars 8 pot noodles 20 penguin bars bottle of fanta orange juice bottle of coke should get me and blue_mondays through for a few days im gonna try and buy wellies tomoz. - other than that im packed and ready baby!!!! *is sooooo ex



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