Sensoria Pro 2024
Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October 2024Showroom Cinema, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 4JT, England MAP
SensoriaPro is an industry gathering of composers, filmmakers, music publishers, and festival organisers discussing innovations in music and film.
The programme includes a Mr Loverman panel, Nainita Desai, Scoring Contest, and a series of Roundtable Talks.
The festival also has ticketed concerts and films going alongside it:
Thursday 3rd Oct 20.00: Maya: The Birth of a Superhero - coming of age tale of a British Asian girl's sexuality - £15 available here
Friday 4th Oct 19.45: Shaolin Invincibles - Taiwanese classic martial arts with original live re-score - £12.50 available here
Saturday 5th Oct 19.30: Gazelle Twin - performing her recent album Black Dog - £16.50 available here
Sunday 6th Oct 10.30: Concerteenies - A musical story of "Blown Away" for children aged 3+ and their families. - £10.50 adult or £3.50 children available here
Tickets are priced at £65, or £45 for Yorkshire-based artists.
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Sensoria is a festival of film and music whose home is Sheffield, a city renowned for its creative and technical innovation and one rich in musical heritage. The festival has risk taking and innovation at its core it is informal and informative; Sensoria loves to provide access, raise aspiration and work to encourage new talent on an ongoing basis.
Industry events will also include SensoriaPro, a unique, informal gathering of composers, filmmakers, music publishers, music supervisors and festivals.
More information will be here when available.
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