Galtres Festival 2013
Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th August 2013Duncombe Park, Helmsley, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 5EB, England MAP
£95, child (5-15) £20 family (2a + 3c) £270
Daily capacity: 10,000
Last updated: Tue 30th Jul 2013
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- The Duke Stage
- Black Howl
- The Oxman Tent
- The Arts Barge Tent
- The Firkin Stage
- The Galleon Stage
- The Little Top
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- The Duke Stage
- Black Howl
- The Oxman Tent
- The Arts Barge Tent
- The Firkin Stage
- The Galleon Stage
- The Little Top
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- The Duke Stage
- Black Howl
- The Oxman Tent
- The Arts Barge Tent
- The Firkin Stage
- The Galleon Stage
- The Little Top
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
day TBC, unknown stage(C) 360
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) A Joker's Rage
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) A Really Short Fringe
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) A Really Short Fringe
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) A Really Short Fringe
day TBC, unknown stage(C) A Really Short Fringe
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Adam Chodan
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Aelfen
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Affairs
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) Africa Entsha
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Alice Ostapjuk
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Alistair Sheerin Band
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Amos Jacob
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Amos Jacob
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Amy Greene
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Amy Greene
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) And The Hangnails
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Andy Doonan
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Andy Watson
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Asio's Eyes
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Audio Subscene
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Badface
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Bargestra
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Battle Lines
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Beccy Owen
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Beggar's Bridge
Fri 23rd, The Duke Stage(C) Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Beth McCarthy
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Bethany Black
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) Blackbeard's Tea Party
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Boss Caine
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Bridie Jackson and The Arbour
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Bull
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Bush & McCluskey
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Bush & McCluskey
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Captain Kipper
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Captain Kipper
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Captain Wilberforce
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Chilli Bon Bon
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Chilli Bon Bon
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Chloe and The High Tides
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Chris Helme
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Chris Helme
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Coffeehouse
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Copasetics
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Counting Coins
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Dan Webster
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Dan Webster
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Dan Wilde
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Daniel Muscutt
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Daniel Wilmot
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Daniel Wilmot
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Daniel Wilmot
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Danny Pensive
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) David Swann
day TBC, unknown stage(C) David Ward Maclean
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Deborah Clarkson
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Disctracted
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Dogs In Space
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Dub Barn Collective
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Edd Barlow
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Elis James
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Encore
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) EndOfLevelBaddie
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Familiar Creatures
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Felony
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) folk session
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Fox North Coalition
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Frankie And The Heartstrings
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Gallery Circus
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Game Theory
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Gary Stewart
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) George Boomsma
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Gerry McNeice
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Gilded Thieves
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Ginger Soul Brothers
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Glad Rags And Tea Bags
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Glad Rags And Tea Bags
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Glass Caves
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Graham Daniels
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Grinny Grandad
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Gypsy Jazz
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Haley Gafternick
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Handmadehands
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Harry Oakwood
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Hayley Gaftarnick
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Heather Findlay
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Hekima & the Bongo Flava
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Helmsley Arts Centre Community Choir
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Hollie April
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Holly Taymar
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Holly Thompson and Isabelle Norton
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Holy Moly & the Crackers
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Honeytone Cody
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Hope & Social
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Horse Guards Parade
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Horse Guards Parade
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Iceni
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Issimo
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Jade Helliwell
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Jazz Breakfast
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Jeramiah Ferrari
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Jo Dudderidge (The Travelling Band)
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Jody McKenna
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Jody McKenna
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Joe Brown
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) John Ainsworth
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) John Huthinson & The Sultans Of Thwing
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Johnny Borrell
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Jonny & the Rizzlas
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Jonny Awsum
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Jonny Breakwell
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Jonny Gill
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Jonny The Firth
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) Josephine and The Artizans
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Josh Savage
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) JP Cooper
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Kaminari Taiko
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Karlos Senor
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Karno's Circus
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Kate & Barr
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Katriona Gilmore & Jamie Roberts
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) King Courgette
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) King Courgette
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Kirby Howarth
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) La Bete Blooms
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) La Petite Mort
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Laurel Canyons
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Leather'o
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Lee Parry
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Leo and the Dandelions
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Let the Moth Sin
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Lewand
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Little Triggers
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Littlemores
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Littlemores
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Littlemores
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Lloyd Cole
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Lord Wallace
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Lottery Winners
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Maia
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Mark Wynn
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Martinez
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Mary Weldon
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Master Conspiracy
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Matt Grace
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Matt Grace
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Maximo Park
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) McQueen
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Miaow Miaow
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Mike Johnson
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Mike McLean
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Mikey Freedom
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Miss 600
Sat 24th, The Duke Stage(C) Mitch Laddie
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Moonshine Creek
Fri 23rd, The Duke Stage(C) Mostly Autumn
Fri 23rd, The Duke Stage(C) My Forever
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Ned Dylan
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Nick Harper
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Nico Cara
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) open mic session
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Over The Yardarm
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Panda Cubs
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Paris XY
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Paul Kitchen
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Paul Liddell
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Pelico
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Pelico
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) Percy
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Pip Mountjoy
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Pirate Mission
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Pirate Mission
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Pirates of Penzance
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Professor Fiddlesticks
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Professor Fiddlesticks
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Purple Mafia
Fri 23rd, The Duke Stage(C) Reap
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) Red Chevrons
Fri 23rd, The Duke Stage(C) Reef
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Rocketsmith
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) Rook and The Ravens
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) Rose & The Howling North
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) Rosie
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) Ruby Larks
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) Ryan Spendlove
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Sam Airey
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) Sam Dawson
Fri 23rd, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Sarah Dean
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Sarah Dean
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) Sarah Horn and James Cudworth
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Simon Snaize
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Sketchy Theatre
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Smiling Ivy
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Snickelway Theatre
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Snickelway Theatre
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Snickelway Theatre
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Snickelway Theatre
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) Sohan Kailey
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Sohan Kailey
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Sohan Kailey
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) Sohan Kailey
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Sophie Mac
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Static Soul
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Steph Stephenson and Matt Bentley
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Stolen Earth
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Street Parade
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Sugar Maybe and the Rhythm Cats
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Sugar Maybe and the Rhythm Cats
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Sugar Maybe and the Rhythm Cats
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Tantz
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) Tayala
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The Art Newell Quartet
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The Art Newell Quartet
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) The Black Delta Movement
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) The Bluebuds
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) The Blueprints
Fri 23rd, Black Howl(C) The Buccaneers
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) The Cover Lovers
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) The Dukes of Bevington
day TBC, unknown stage(C) The Gerry McNiece Band
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The Grand Old Uke of York
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) The Grand Old Uke of York
Sat 24th, The Oxman Tent(C) The Holy Orders
Sun 25th, The Oxman Tent(C) The Hot Soles
day TBC, unknown stage(C) The Hypnotic Eye
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) The Jar Family
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The Jay Birds
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) The Lake Poets
day TBC, unknown stage(C) The Loves I Haven't Known
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) The Nick Rooke Band
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) The Quicksilver Kings
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) The Raggy Annes
Sat 24th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The Skalactites
Sun 25th, The Firkin Stage(C) The Skalactites
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) The Stowaways
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) The Stowaways
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) The Stowaways
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) The Stowaways
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) The Stranglers
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) The Talks
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) The Travelling Band
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) The Undertones
Fri 23rd, The Firkin Stage(C) The Unknown Stuntmen
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) The Van Doos
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) The Y Street Band
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) The York Mariachi Scratch Band
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) These Young Sons
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) This Ground Moves
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Three Sheets T'Wind
Sat 24th, The Firkin Stage(C) Three Sheets T'Wind
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Tom Skelly
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Traffic Wire
Sun 25th, Black Howl(C) Troubadour
Sun 25th, The Arts Barge Tent(C) Troubadour
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Truly Ford
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) Union Jill
Sun 25th, The Duke Stage(C) Van Susans
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) We Could Be Astronauts
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) We Could Be Astronauts
Sat 24th, Black Howl(C) Wes Finch
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) White Bone Rattle
Sat 24th, The Little Top(C) With Kisses
Fri 23rd, The Little Top(C) Wolf Club
Fri 23rd, The Oxman Tent(C) Wtchrs
Sun 25th, The Galleon Stage(C) York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre
Sat 24th, The Galleon Stage(C) York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre
Sun 25th, The Little Top(C) Young Believers
Fri 23rd, The Galleon Stage(C) Zak Ford
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Zakale Dance Troupe
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line-ups & rumours
last updated: Thu 22nd Aug 2013

festival details
last updated: Tue 30th Jul 2013

this year will see G-Cards issued
last updated: Mon 29th Jul 2013

Rook And The Ravens, JP Cooper, White Bone Rattle, & more
last updated: Wed 10th Jul 2013

and Frankie and the Heartstrings
last updated: Fri 24th May 2013