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About joemason96

  • Birthday 12/22/1996

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  1. Personally I've been hearing Giant Swan (or Robin on his own) are the special guest but definitely not 100% on that one
  2. Another good source is https://www.drugsdata.org/index.php as they specify the actual strength of the pills and collate test results from all around the world from different testing providers. This can be especially useful for new pill presses that are mass produced in Europe as they get tested very quickly and are updated here. However, if it is an older pill press that has been in circulation for a while then it is less reliable as there will be many different batches of this pill being produced by many different crews. You can also submit your pills to Wedinos https://www.wedinos.org who are harm reduction/testing service based in Wales and they will give a breakdown of all substances in the pill but unfortunately don't provide specific dose unlike other similar services based in Europe. Be careful filling in the form for submission though, if there is the slightest error on the form then they have to dispose of the sample and won't publish the test results. The test kits mentioned above are great for determining the presence of mdma however they aren't very reliable for showing impurities (unless a variety of Reagent tests are used alongside them) or strength. But they are definitely still a great harm reduction tool and incredibly simple to use! Strength unfortunately appears to be the biggest problem in pills currently rather than 'bad batches' which is often how these issues are presented in the media. Always start with just a nibble nowadays, you can always take more but you can't take less. Hope your next night out is a good'un pal!
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