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Hello mr Thief Part II




OK so I have no proof but everything points to it.

about 1am last night theres some loud banging on our front door, I assume they'll go away after a while. But they knock again, so I go downstairs, and by the time I've reached the bottom, I hear the sound of footsteps running to the street outside, along with what sounds like a big bag being dragged behind them. Now I think this seems the logical explanation: thieves wanting to ensure nobody's home/ everyones deeply asleep or drunkenly passed out. They find out there's somebody in and they scarper before I can confront them.

Is it planned though? B) I mean last time was a Thursday, when theres a good chance I'll be in York, and this time was a Saturday, when I am likely to be having an early night, what with having to be up at 4 to get ready for a 6am shift on Sunday. Nobody ever tried breaking in while I've lived here since last July, so why these two attempts in one month? I reckon someone is behind this, and I have a good idea who as well.

This really has been a wake up call to get contents insurance before it's too late, though I don't want to live with a reason to be afraid in my own home.



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Not fun mate. I don't know what to say, like I said I have my trusty Katana AND a dog. Best get insured before Leeeds eh, and maybe go down the cop shop and just let them know so in the event of a burgalry and arrest they already know there were previous incidents to send the bastard down with.

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sorry to hear that :lol:

is there not friends that can stay in your house while your away? Blue_mondays gives the keys of his flat to a mate when he comes down to liverpool who still lives with his mum n dad, his mate loves minding his flat to get some peace.

Hope you get somthing sorted. :)

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i'm gonna ask the neighbours to keep an eye (and ear out). plus i'm gonna hide my guitar and X360. I mean, my doors are all lockable, but who know's what they might try eh? informing the police will most likely boost the cost of insurance unfortunately, assuming this particular group have been targeting houses in the area, the police may already be aware and keeping an eye on it.

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We had loads of trouble once, we lived next door to the local chavs and had our house broken into on an almost daily basis using a variety of means. They kicked their way in, stole keys, hooked the kitchen window with a wire put through the extractor fan, came through the adjoining attic, etc. We were scared to go out, scared to sleep, worried for our children.

Eventually we got an alarm, and a border collie, and felt secure. Anything that risks drawing attention is good.

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